Monday, August 10, 2009

Jesus in the Temple, 12 AD

"Good morning Rabbi Matthew."

"Good morning class."


"OK class, who knows the 7th plague on Pharaoh's Egypt?"

"Yes, you in the back row."

"Hailstorm, sir."


"How old was Methuselah?"

"Yes, you again in the back row."

"969, sir."

"Correct again."

"What was the width of Noah's ark?"

"No one else knows. OK, you in the back row."

"Approximately 75 feet, sir."

"What's a foot?"

"12 inches, sir."

"What's an inch?"

"Never mind sir. 50 cubits."


"OK, final question for today. How tall was Goliath?"

"Please, someone else must know this one. No? OK, you again in the back row."

"9 feet, 6 inches, sir."

"I know, I know. A foot is 2/3 cubit."

"What is your name, son?"

"Jesus, sir."

"How is it you know the scriptures so well?"

"It's not just that I know the Word, sir. Actually, I am the Word."

"You are the Word? Who calls you that?"

"My Father, sir."

"Joseph the carpenter from Nazareth?"

"No, sir. My Heavenly Father."

"Yahweh Himself calls you the Word?"

"Yes, sir."

"Does Yahweh have any other names for you?"

"Yes, sir. As a matter of fact He also calls me the Way, the Door, the Light, the Truth, and the Life, among others."


"Jesus! There you are!"

"Mom, what are you doing here?

"Jesus, we've been looking all over for you. Your dad and I have been worried sick. We left Jerusalem three days ago and thought you were in our group."

"I'm sorry, mom. I've been here in the temple tending to my Heavenly Father's business."

"Come, son. It's time to go home."

"OK, mom. I'm ready now."

"Rabbi Matthew, what do you make of all this?"

"I don't know, Rabbi Thomas."

"Well, what do you think we should do?"

"I think..... that we should ask Joseph and Mary if we can sponsor Jesus on the new show "Who Wants to Win a Million Denarii?" The temple could use a little work."

"Good idea!"

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