Monday, August 10, 2009

I Believe

Thursday, May 21st is not only the date for our Girlfriend's Unlimited "Hike in the Park," it's also the day when the church celebrates Jesus' ascension, forty days (there's that number again) following His resurrection. The Gospel writers don't tell us a lot about these six weeks. Matthew and Mark mention Jesus' Great Commission and how we as followers of Jesus will perform greater miracles than He did. Luke tells us that the ascension occurred outside Jerusalem in Bethany. John tells us a bit more. He mentions Jesus appearing to the disciples at least three times - once immediately following the resurrection with Thomas absent, once a week later with Thomas present, and then on the beach of the Sea of Tiberias. It's during this visit that Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him. With each of the three affirmative answers Peter is told "Feed my sheep." Jesus was apparently preparing Peter for the persecution and torture that he would have to endure.

Can you imagine what those six weeks would have been like? Everything Jesus foretold had come to pass. His disciples had to realize by now that Jesus was truly God incarnate. They had spent the last three years with the One True God and yet may not have appreciated that totally until now. What would they have asked Him? What would you have asked Him?

Jesus told Thomas, "You have believed because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe." That's us, but I suspect there's a little of Thomas in many of us. Frederick Buechner, a Presbyterian theologian, once said "Doubt is the ants-in-the-pants of faith. It keeps faith alive and moving." So, with the father of the boy with the convulsing spirit I too pray "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief."

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