"I will praise God's name with song and glorify Him with Thanksgiving." [Psalm 69:30 NIV]
Thanksgiving Day is rapidly approaching. You know, that Thursday before the busiest shopping weekend of the year. As I ponder all that I have to be thankful for, I am reminded that many of my blessings are associated with FPC. Here's a "Thanks Giving" list of just a few things that come to mind:
- for the freedom to worship openly and without the threat of persecution by our government or others,
- for all those who have come and gone before us; those who for 175 years have worshipped here, prayed here, and worked here, and now worship elsewhere or dance at the feet of Jesus,
- for both our Pastors, Lon and Rob, who teach us, nurture us, and challenge us to continue growing in grace,
- for our prison ministry, led by RevPete, where being "free in the Spirit" has real meaning,
- for our wonderful musicians, led by Mike and Ann, who bless us with their voices and instruments,
- for a caring staff, Dawn, Suzanne, and Darrell, whose ministry is the "business" of our church,
- for all those who volunteer to lead our worship, teach our classes, serve on our Session and church committees, lead our youth groups, prepare our meals and snacks, and give of themselves in any other way to make FPC an active part of Christ's Church,
- for those who give unselfishly and anonymously to keep our facilities attractive, functional, clean, and comfortable (warm in winter and cool in summer, not vice versa),
- for the joy of having been the host of the Madisonville Great Banquet for over 25 years and having witnessed the changes in lives that Jesus has wrought through it,
- and, of course, for that "paid in full" stamp on the charge ticket for my sins; paid for by my risen savior, Jesus, whose earthly birth we'll celebrate next month, but whose spiritual birth we celebrate anew in our lives each and every day.
So, before you head out to the shopping malls on Friday, enjoy Thanksgiving Day with your family, and during your "Thanks Giving" prayer, remember the blessings we share at FPC.